Ashley E. Stewart, Ph.D., MSSW
Ashley E. Stewart understands and respects the intricacies inherent in matters related to diversity and inclusion. Ashley’s research includes an assessment of the intersections of identity, structural oppression, health and mental health, and title VI, and IX compliance. Ashley creates a colorful balance between empathy and urgency in addressing sensitive and critical matters.
Her areas of scholarship include:
- Macro and mezzo-level social work: creating policy-based recommendations to address various forms of institutional and systemic oppression.
- Interpersonal and group dynamics and critical self-awareness for anti-oppressive practice.
- Web-based synchronous and asynchronous platforms in social justice and race-equity work: utilizes web-based programs to create online communities.
- Accountability measures for reducing mental and physical health disparities resulting from institutionalized forms of racism and identity-based structural oppression.
- Supporting individuals and groups experiencing race-based traumatic stress and promoting organizational diversity and inclusion practices.
As an educator and training consultant, she promotes self-awareness and advocacy skills through the lens of decolonization and anti-oppression. Prioritizing lived narratives, Ashley takes a person-centered and collaborative approach to identify best-matched solutions to equity-related issues. As a social work researcher, she is passionate about the translational aspect of research and assessment, demonstrating evaluative measures to ensure efficacy and sustainability of inclusion.
Ph.D. | The Ohio State University, College of Social Work Dissertation: The lived experiences of Black doctoral students: Institutional racism and race-based traumatic stress.
MSSW | Columbia University, School of Social Work Concentration: Advanced Practice and Programming & Policy Distinction: Cum Laude
B.A. | Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey Major: Psychology, Minor: Sociology Distinction: Summa Cum Laude
A.A. | Burlington County College Major: Liberal Arts Distinction: Cum Laude |